Today it's
Titus Andronicus.
We had a lot of technical issues with recording this one, so there may be some audio problems; to be honest, you're lucky we got this out at all. I guess we should have said we were making all these mistakes on purpose, so as to be true to the play.
Here is the so-called "Peacham drawing", we see what is probably, from the left, two soldiers, Saturninus, Tamora, two of Titus' sons, and Aaron.

If you do some examination, you'll find that this can't be a single scene from Shakespeare, and must, therefore, be a combination of characters from different characters and scenes.
Like we mentioned in the podcast, now you can go to Amazon through this site. If you buy the stuff we link to, we will get a percentage of the sale. It'd be a help to us, but don't feel like you have to.
Titus, Starring Anthony Hopkins
Romeo x Juliet: Romeo Collection, Part 1
Here's a review on The Escapist
Titus Andronicus (Oxford World's Classics)